World History Association - New Executive Director


The World History Association is pleased to announce our new Executive Director: Morgan Lemmer-Webber.

Morgan Lemmer-Webber comes to the World History Association with an interdisciplinary background in Art History, conference planning, nonprofit governance, marketing and grantwriting.

She completed her PhD at the University of Wisconsin, Madison studying Roman art and archaeology with an emphasis on the social history of women through portrayals in artwork and material culture. Her research focuses on women and textile production in the Roman Empire, exploring the distinctions and intersections between domestic and commercial production and the performative ways that wool work was used to shape women's identities. Using case study sites across the empire she addresses the ways that cultural interactions and colonialism effected women’s intersectional identities in different provinces.

Alongside this academic research, she has actively engaged with digital humanities application and education as a synthesis of computer programming and data analysis to humanities research. She has been a Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) user for over fifteen years and an advocate for Open Access and FOSS in academia as a means of empowering scholars and students as well as offering greater access to larger portions of the population.

She is currently the chair of the board of directors for F-Droid, an organization promoting Free and Open Source Software on the Android platform. She is actively involved in the decentralized social media movement which emphasizes user freedom and federation of smaller-scale user-hosted instances rather than centralized software silos.

She is the co-creator and co-host of the podcast FOSS and Crafts. This combines her academic interests and social activism through the intersecting threads of freedom, access, self-expression, and independence through a dialogue about free software, free culture, and crafting.