Vol. 23, No. 2 – Fall 2007

  • Letter from the Executive Director 2
    Happy Twenty-Fifth Birthday, WHA 1982-2007 by Maggie Favretti, Scarsdale High School 2
    The World History Association at 25 by Kevin Reilly (President 1982-84, 1986-88) 5
    The WHA: A Personal Prehistory by Ross Dunn (President 1984-86) 6
    The Eunuch and the Giraffe by Arnold Schrier (President 1988-90) 8
    A Presidential Message by Marilynn Jo Hitchens (President 1990-92) 12
    Celebrating 10 Years: A Message from the President, Fall 1992 by Raymond M. Lorantas (President 1992-94) 14
    Why the World History Association Matters: A Personal Reminiscence by John A. Mears (President 1994-96) 15
    Ethnicity, Empire, and the Rise of Nationalism in the Ottoman-Controlled Balkans, 1804-1833 by John A. Mears 16
    A Quarter Century is Only the Beginning by Judith P. Zinsser (President 1996-98) 18
    A Message from the President, Fall 1999 by Heidi Roupp (President 1998-2000) 20
    Globalism is the Natural State of Humankind by Carter Vaughn Findley (President 2000-02) 21
    Remembrance of Things Past: Founding the Hawaii Headquarters by Ralph Croizier (President 2002-04) 23
    Reflections on the WHA in 2004 and 2005 by David Northrup (President 2004-06) 24
    How English Became the Global Language: Perspectives from South Asia and Africa by David Northrup 25
    Letter from the President by Michele Forman (President 2006-2008) 27
    Teaching Forum
    Teaching World History with Graphic Novels by Linda Kelly Alkana, California State University, Long Beach 28
    2007 WHA Teaching Prize Winner — Gateway to the Seventeenth Century: Dutch Shipwrecks on the West Australian Coast by Cedric G. Beidatsch, University of Western Australia 32
    A Week in the Life of Mahatma Gandhi: A Lesson Plan by Kay Koppedrayer, Wilfrid Laurier University 38
    Book Reviews 43
    The 16th Annual Conference: A Success for Those Who Made It There by Al Andrea, University of Vermont (Retired) 52
    The 17th Annual Conference: University of London, Queen Mary College 25-29 June 2008 58
    The WHA at the AHA: Washington, D.C. 3-6 January 2008 72

Volume 23, no. 2 - Fall 2007


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